@Holland4Israel seriously? #Dutch pro-Israel #propaganda “We are here to change…

@Holland4Israel seriously? #Dutch pro-Israel #propaganda “We are here to change the record” Timo Erkelens ^LCFR http://www.jewishjournal.com/world/article/from_dutch_situation_room_pro_israel_volunteers_defend_jewish_state_on_sociFrom Dutch situation room, pro-Israel volunteers defend Jewish state on social media | Worldwww.jewishjournal.comRabbi Yanki Jacobs, right, with Christian volunteers Timo Erkelens and Eveline Hagoort in the pro-Israeli situation room near Amsterdam, July 24, 2014. (Cnaan Liphshiz) Israeli Ambassador to the Netherlands Haim Divon nodded approvingly as he surveyed the small army of 50 men and women fighting for…


@Holland4Israel seriously? #Dutch pro-Israel #propaganda “We are here to change…

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