Tribute to a great journalist – Anna Holligan BBC correspondent in The Hague

Tribute to a great journalist – Anna Holligan BBC correspondent in The Hague

The risks of reporting facts that are not conform the Dutch standards of sewer journalism like the rats at Geenstijl or PowNews is that they will target you for ridicule just for the fun of it.

The good thing is once a sewer journalist of Geenstijl or PowNews targets you this way:

It only means you are better than them, so here is a tribute to your outstanding journalism work Anna Holligan 🙂

We love your holy copies of valuable information.

We are moved by your reports on the Asylum seekers camp  in the Hague.

Just like you, we also have been there in person.  So we know that your representation of the situation there is accurate and very detailed. Your work has the hallmark of a great journalist written all over.

And for that The Kopimi Church the Netherlands blesses you for the years to come.

#COPYME *Lucifer

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