Anonymous – Operation Vatican

Anonymous – Operation Vatican

(regarding the vatileaks scandal – –

On 6 October, Paolo Gabriele was found to be guilty of theft, and was sentenced to a reduced sentence of 18 months in an Italian prison. Gabriele was also ordered to pay legal expenses.  As of October 26 2012, he is serving his sentence in the Vatican itself.Gabriele was pardoned by Benedict XVI on 22 December 2012.

Papal Pardon

On December 22, 2012 the Pope visited Gabriele, forgave him, and pardoned him for his crime. (operation vatican anounced 6 december 2012 by anonymous)


Greetings World.

The Peoples Liberation Front and Anonymous are joining forces yet again to defend whistle-blowers and fight for transparency in government. This time in the most unlikely of places, the Vatican City State. This spring, a book was published which detailed massive corruption and wrong-doing in the highest levels of the Popes’ administration. It was entitled “His Holiness” by Gianluigi Nuzzi. The book relied heavily on a massive cache of documents apparently leaked directly from the Pope’s apartment/office at the Holy See.

In May of this year, Paolo Gabriele the Pope’s butler was arrested for photo-copying the massive trove of documents and delivering them to Nuzzi for use in his book. Today, Mr. Gabriele was convicted by the Vatican courts and sentenced to 18 months in an Italian prison (the Vatican does not have one) for this alleged disclosure of sensitive and secret material. The fact that Paolo Gabriele was almost certainly aided by someone high up in the Vatican government, most likely a Cardinal — was never investigated by the Vatican police. Instead, Mr. Gabriele was given a very quick “trial” in a Vatican City courtroom and summarily sentenced to a year and a half in prison. The computer technician Claudio Sciarpelletti has been convicted of assisting in the disclosure and has been sentenced to two months.

Anonymous and the Peoples Liberation Front will not stand by while whistle-blowers who expose corruption in governments or corporations are persecuted and imprisoned. Whether it be Bradley Manning in the USA or Paolo Gabriele in the Vatican City State, risking everything to bring transparency to the world is an act of extreme heroism — and deserves to be defended at all costs. The Pope is an absolute monarch, and as such has the ability to instantly pardon Paolo Gabriele and Claudio Sciarpelletti. We DEMAND that the Pope do so AT ONCE.

Until this one simple demand is met, Anonymous and the PLF will wage a relentless campaign. We will also work closely with Anonymous Italy to organize ground protests in St. Peter’s Square, especially during outdoor Papal “audiences”. The Roman Catholic Church should have nothing to hide, and nothing to fear from transparency. FREE Paolo Gabriele NOW!

We Are Anonymous.

We Are Everywhere.

We Are Legion.

We Do Not Forgive.

We Do Not Forget.

Your Holiness Benedict XVI, it is too late to EXPECT US!


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