Eva Boto – Verjamem – I Believe

Eva Boto – Verjamem – I Believe

composer(s): Vladimir Graić, Hari Mata Hari

Vladimir Graić (Serbian: Владимир Граић, born 19 February 1968) is a Serbian composer of popular, film and television music. Among other pieces, he composed the song Molitva, performed by Marija Šerifović, which won the 2007 Eurovision Song Contest.

From 1986 he is the member of the Association of jazz, popular and rock musicians in Serbia, and was the member of its Management Board from 1996 to 2000. He is also active as a member of the authors’ music rights protection organization SOKOJ. From 1998 he is the member of the Composers’ Association of Serbia and from 2008 he is also member of GEMA.


Darling, do you believe now?

The power to copy your thoughts and share with the world is within you!

#COPYME #Love #sharingiscaring *Lucifer

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